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Claudia-Eyeshadow Pencils

April 27, 2010

Claudia Cosmetics is a swedish company that sells make up and mail stuff for very affordable prices. The cynic in me was sure that this was too good to be true that makeup that costs barely nothing can be worth using. I have a good size makeup collection. I have all types of brands but I´ve been a student for 4 years so I have a huge love for drugstore items and affordable things THAT WORK. Its the best feeling ever, when something inexpensive work. 

On to the review of Claudias Eyeshadow Pencils. At first glance they reminded me a lot of NYX Jumbo pencils but there are a few differences, and I actually like these better. These are all very pigmented, everyone but the black is metallic, shimmering. They glide on amazingly, smooth and silky. They stay on all day, although on most day I have put eyeshadow over them and let them work as a base, which is great. As a base they make my eyeshadow vibrant and last all day. The pencils are all similar in quality which I really appreciate. I hate how the NYX milk is totally different from black bean. The pens come in a varaity of colours and they are only 39 sek (£4, $6)Lilac shimmer, Aqua Green, Silver Grey, Lime Green,

Just Black, Pink Daze, Soft Gold, Pearl White

I was sent these, but I’m making an order, not even kidding. This is a brand I need to investigate.

4 Comments leave one →
  1. April 27, 2010 7:34 pm

    Kanske jag också ska hamstra litet claudiagunk före vi drar tillbaks till Finland:)

  2. tgirl1985 permalink
    April 27, 2010 10:52 pm

    Very pretty colors :~)

  3. Samspark72 permalink
    April 28, 2010 6:03 pm

    These look gorgeous & buy the price you have quoted they around the same price as the BarryM pencils we can get here in the UK. The NYX pencils we can get here for around £2.25.

  4. October 27, 2010 6:19 pm

    eye shadows that are waterproof are great and i always use them,”,

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